Employee Benefits and Risk Management
Dependent Verification

All employees and retirees who elect to enroll their spouse or dependent children in the District's group health plan (medical, dental or vision) are required to provide documentation verifying their dependent's eligibility for coverage under the District's group health plan.  Dependent verification requirements apply to all current employees/retirees, as well as employees/retirees experiencing a mid-year qualifying event. 

To verify your dependents, you must submit the required documentation as defined in the Dependent Verification Document Chart located under the Dependent Verification Forms button below.

As an employee/retiree enrolling your dependents (spouse or dependent child) in the District’s group health plan (medical, dental or vision), you are required to provide documentation for each covered dependent. It is your responsibility to ensure that your dependent meet, and continue to meet, the eligibility requirement.

The following dependents are eligible for medical, dental and vision coverage:

  • Legally married spouse (spousal waiver may apply)
  • Children up to age 26 (your natural child, legally adopted child, stepchild, legal guardian or foster child)
  • Overage dependent child
  • Dependent children with disabilities

Click here for detailed information about who is eligible for coverage under the District’s group health plan.

You must submit the required documents by the close of business on the final date as defined below:

  • New Hire/Newly Benefit Eligible - Documents due within 30 days of benefits effective date.
  • Mid-year Qualifying Event - Documents due within 30 days of enrollment.
  • Open Enrollment - Documents due November 10, 2023.

You are required to notify CBIZ within 30 days of a change in your marital status or a change in dependent’s status. Failure to notify CBIZ may result in you receiving a benefit under the group health plan that your covered dependents are not eligible to receive. Should this occur you will be required to repay the Board any premiums due or benefits received that you were not entitled to receive.

Submitting Documentation:

  • You will upload the documents directly to the CBIZ platform when you are enrolling in benefits.

Working Spouse Waiver Form

If your spouse is employed and has access to medical coverage through his/her employer, they are no longer eligible for coverage under Pasco County Schools’ group medical plan.

If your spouse does not work, works only part-time, is not eligible for coverage or has lost coverage as an active employee but has been offered cobra, the spousal exclusion does not apply. If your spouse is covered by Medicare, the exclusion does not apply.

If your spouse experiences a qualifying life event (loss of job or loss of coverage, etc.) during the year, he or she can be added to your medical plan within 30 days of the qualifying event.

If you designate your spouse as a dependent to be enrolled in Pasco County Schools’ group medical plan, you will need to submit a completed spousal waiver form verifying your spouse’s ineligibility for coverage under their employer’s medical plan.

If you do not complete and return the waiver form, your inaction will deem your spouse ineligible for coverage.
If deemed ineligible for coverage, your spouse will be removed from Pasco County Schools’ group medical plan.

The “Working Spouse Waiver” does not affect your option to enroll your spouse in voluntary benefits such as dental, vision or other applicable voluntary benefits, as long as you provide the required dependent verification

Policy exemption:

  • If you and your spouse are both employed by Pasco County Schools, you are not subject to this policy.
  • If you are enrolling in family coverage(employee plus spouse and children), you are not subject to this policy.

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