Title I
What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded education program designed to improve academic outcomes for students at schools with high percentages of low-income families. Funding for eligible schools is based on several factors including the percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price meals. The Title I program is designed to help students meet challenging academic standards by providing schools with supplemental support and resources.
What are Title I funds used for?
The Title I program emphasizes teacher quality and parent participation in their child’s education. Schools may use funds to:
- Extend learning time for students
- Add highly qualified support staff
- Support parent and community engagement efforts
- Purchase additional instructional materials and supplies
How many Title I schools does Pasco County serve?
Pasco county presently serves 44 Title I schools:
- 25 Elementary Schools
- 8 Middle Schools
- 6 High Schools
- 2 Combination Schools
- 3 Charter Schools
What about private schools?
Private schools can choose to participate in the Title I program to receive services for struggling students who live in a Title I public school attendance zone and have an academic need in reading or mathematics.
Families are Essential Partners!
Research tells us that family support is one of the most important factors affecting a child’s success in school. Talk to your child about what is going on at school and promote the value of education. Enlist other family members in learning and celebrating student success. Here’s how you can be a part of Title I family and community engagement:
- Make suggestions and complete this survey to help us improve our Title I program.
- Attend the Annual Title I Meeting, Open House, Family Input Meeting and other programs at your school to learn more about Title I, as well as academic and behavioral expectations.
- Meet your child’s teacher. Communicate with your child’s teachers often to learn about your child’s progress and how you can support your child and the school at home. Attend Parent -Teacher Conferences during the year.
- Create a MyStudent account to view report cards and monitor your child’s grades and attendance.
- Read the school Parent and Family Engagement Plan and sign the School/Home Compact. The Compact outlines expectations for the school, guardian, and child. The plan helps you understand and take part in the school’s effort to help reach your child’s potential.
- You can also check out Pasco's District Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Plan below.
- For more opportunities to be engaged, Join the PTA, PTO, or SAC (School Advisory Council). Contact your child’s school for more information. You can also sign up to be a school volunteer. Click here to apply today!
For more information and resources please visit the links below.