Student Support Programs and Services
Sandbox COC

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. The mission of Pasco County Schools is to provide a world-class
education for all students. By working together, parents and the school community can reach this goal and
prepare students for success in college, career, and life. The Student Code of Conduct (SCOC) outlines
the expectations for all student behavior. 

Pasco County Schools utilizes Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) embedded within a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) to support resiliency skills for all students. PBIS is an evidence-based model that includes creating and sustaining school-wide, classroom and individual systems of
support within a compassionate environment. We strive to implement preventative measures by modeling
and teaching students appropriate resiliency skills, which all students receive through universal
instruction. Students who need additional support are provided with interventions to meet the
expectations of the SCOC. Pasco County Schools understands the behavior challenges faced by some
students with disabilities and takes into account such disabilities when implementing our PBIS and when
application of our Student Code of Conduct is otherwise required.

Parent involvement is an essential element in ensuring student success. We are excited to partner with you to ensure that students are ready to learn. Parents play a crucial role in promoting safety and the PBIS model on our school campuses by supporting the district’s SCOC. By reviewing the SCOC with your child, you can help us reinforce the guidelines and rules students are expected to follow.

Academic Integrity Module

Click for Module

Discipline of Students with Disabilities

Student Code of Conduct Guidelines

Respect and Civility Policy

Respect and Civility Policy

Declaración sobre las normas de respeto y civismo (inglés y español)

Responsible Electronic Use Rules for Students

Click Here for More Information

Student Appeal Rights

2023-24 Student Appeal Rights

2023-24 Derechos de Apelación del Estudiante

Student Code of Conduct

2023-24 Student Code of Conduct Download

2023-24 Código de Conducta Descarga


Bullying and Harassment

Stop Bullying - Information and Reporting


Disability Based Discrimination Complaint

The District is responsible for receiving, investigating, and resolving complaints alleging discrimination against students with disabilities by failing to make or consider a reasonable modification to the District’s discipline, threat assessment, or law enforcement procedures (School Board Policy 2260- Non- Discrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity).

Denuncia Por Discriminación Basada En Incapacidad

El Distrito Escolar de Pasco tiene la responsabilidad de recibir, investigar, y resolver alegados o denuncias por discriminación contra estudiantes basada en su incapacidad. Para estudiantes con incapacidades el Distrito Escolar de Pasco debe tomar en consideración una modificación razonable a los procedimientos establecidos con respecto a conducta, evaluación de amenazas, o interacciones con la fuerza policiaca. (Poliza de la Junta Escolar 2260- Contra Discriminacion y Acceso a Oportunidades Escolares).

Presione aqui para someter una denuncia o alegado

The District School Board of Pasco County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, or age in the programs, services, and activities or in its hiring and employment practices.  To report violations of this policy, contact:  District School Board of Pasco County Civil right Compliance Manager/Title IX Coordinator:  (813) 794-2322

Parents/guardians and students over the age of eighteen (18) have the right to appeal any assignment of ISS, OSS or bus suspension that they feel is unfair.  Consequences other than ISS, OSS, or bus suspension are not subject to appeal.

Appeal requests must be submitted in writing or email within three (3) days of the assignment of said disciplinary action. 

For additional details see School and District Level Appeals

  • Parents/guardians and students over the age of eighteen (18) have the right to appeal any assignment of ISS, OSS or bus suspension that they feel is unfair.  Consequences other than ISS, OSS, or bus suspension are not subject to appeal 

  • Appeal requests must be addressed to the school principal, initiated verbally and followed up in writing or email within three (3) days of the assignment of said disciplinary action 

  • If the appeal is not initiated within three (3) days of the disciplinary action, the disciplinary action will be implemented and there will be no further right of appeal 

  • The person hearing the case cannot have been a witness to, have assigned the original consequence, or have been otherwise involved in the incident that resulted in the proposed discipline 

  • School principals will review all grievances and hear all appeals 

  • Upon principal discretion, a neighboring principal or other administrator may hear the appeal if the building principal assigned the consequences for the original referral 

  • The principal’s decision will be final on all appeals regarding ISS, OSS of one (1) to five (5) days 

  • Any appeals regarding OSS of six (6) to ten (10) days shall be heard at the school level first and may be further appealed at the district level (see district level appeals) 

  • The participants at the hearing will be limited to those with a relevant interest in the matter at hand, as determined by the Superintendent or designee 

  • The Superintendent or designee may not limit attendance in cases involving ESE or 504 plan students per state statute 

  • Only the evidence presented during the hearing will be used to make a decision 

  • The Superintendent or designee will provide a written decision 

  • Said decision will be provided at the end of the hearing or sent to the student or parent/guardian within approximately one (1) calendar week, and shall include notice of the right of due process appeal to the school board in cases of an expulsion recommendation 

  • Any out-of-school (OSS) or bus suspension of six (6) to ten (10) days may be further appealed at the district level 

  • Such appeals must first be heard at the school level 

  • Any requests for a district level appeal must be submitted in writing within three (3) days of the principal’s decision 

  • If the appeal is not initiated within three (3) days of the principal’s decision, the disciplinary action will be implemented and there will be no further right of appeal 

  • All district level appeals are held virtually or by teleconference with the district office in Land O’ Lakes 

  • The Superintendent or designee may uphold, reverse, or modify the suspension 

  • The decision of the Superintendent’s designee is final on any OSS or bus suspension appeals 

The Student Code of Conduct (SCOC) communicates minimal requirements for student behavior and
summarizes the policies of the District School Board of Pasco County.

The Student Code of Conduct

  • Defines the responsibilities and rights of students.
  • Defines the rules of conduct and the behavioral expectations for students.
  • Establishes consequences for violations of the rules of conduct.
  • Describes the process for handling disciplinary infractions.
  • Describes considerations, reasonable modifications, and accommodations to the application of discipline procedures as applied to Students with disabilities.
  • Progressive discipline is designed to create the expectation that the degree of discipline will be in proportion to the severity of the behavior leading to discipline, in accordance with the Discipline Matrix.
  • The previous disciplinary history of the student and all other relevant factors will be taken into account.
  • Minor infractions and first offenses have a less serious consequence than major infractions and repeat offenses.
  • Factors such as age, grade level, social, emotional, and intellectual development, disability, special education status, other contributing factors to the student’s behavior, the degree of harm caused and the student’s willingness to repair the harm shall also be considered.
  • Disciplinary issues will be resolved by every means possible prior to exclusion from school, however, it is recognized that some events are of a nature that require immediate removal from the campus. The safety and security of all individuals on campus is paramount.

Disciplinary consequences must be proportionate to the severity of the offense, appropriate to the age of the student, and take into consideration the student’s disability, as applicable;

  • School Administrators and staff must attempt and document a range of interventions and supports prior to using Exclusionary Discipline, as applicable.
  • Exclusionary Discipline should be considered only after less restrictive alternatives have been attempted.
  • School Administrators have discretion to not use Exclusionary Discipline, even when it is permitted by the district through application of the Student Code of Conduct.
  • If after taking in consideration factors such as the age of the student and the student’s disability status, and capacity to understand his or her behavior, the behaviors are determined to be prohibited or otherwise identified as inappropriate in accordance with the Student Code, then disciplinary consequences may be applied as outlined in the discipline matrix.

1B - Inappropriate public display of affection
1C - Running, tripping, pushing, hitting, or similar aggressive acts
1I - Unauthorized possession or use of toys, audio or wireless communication devices,                                 collectibles, or other items or materials that are inappropriate for an educational setting
1K - Violation of dress and appearance code
1L - Unauthorized location<
1M - Violation of traffic, parking, bus, or bicycle regulations
1P - Failure to comply with classroom, school, or bus rules  (minor disruption caused)
1Q - Disrespect toward student or staff

First Offense – In-school conference with student, and contact with parent/guardian

Subsequent Offenses - In-school conference with student, and contact with parent/guardian, and one or more of the following disciplinary actions:

  • Conference with student
  • Conference with a parent
  • Assignment of reflective written work, work detail, and/or restitution (i.e.: property/damages)
  • Behavioral or student self-improvement agreement
  • Loss of privileges
  • Peer mediation
  • Daily or weekly report to parents
  • Referral to Guidance Counselor, School Nurse, School Psychologist, School Social Worker,
  • Behavior Specialist, School-based Intervention Team (S-BIT), Community Agency/Services or
  • similar resource (excluding Mobile Response Team)
  • Referral to Mobile Response Team
  • Detention
  • Bicycle privilege revoked
  • Parking privilege revoked
  • Referral to Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
  • In-school suspension (ISS). (The student will report to school at the stipulated time but will not
  • be able to follow the regular schedule or to attend extracurricular activities.)
  • Bus suspension (The student will not access school transportation, for any reason, during the
  • period of suspension. The student is required to attend school during the period of bus
  • suspension.)
  • Recommendation for bus expulsion
  • Threat assessment
  • Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavioral Intervention Plan
  • Confiscation of items or devices

2B - Disruptive behavior
2C - Skipping, or leaving class without permission, or truancy  (* Student may not be suspended.)
2E - Failure to comply or complete previously assigned intervention strategies (failure to report
        to /complete previously assigned consequence)
2F - Fighting (mutual combat) (Non-SESIR), or physical confrontation, or aggression
2G - Verbal altercation, instigating a fight, harassment (Non-SESIR), or unwanted teasing or taunting
        of others
2H - Defacing and/or destroying school or personal property resulting in damages of less than $1,000
2I - Distribution of objects, literature, or materials that are obscene or inappropriate for an educational
2J - Leaving school grounds without permission
2M - Academic dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, violation of copyright laws, or similar acts
2N - Misrepresentation, providing false information to school personnel, or lying about a school staff
2O - Having a toy/imitation weapon
2Q - Violation of campus or bus safety rules (considerable disruption caused)
2R - Defying, disobeying, or disrespecting school personnel
2S - Having and/or using unauthorized items to include, but not limited to: matches/lighters,
        fireworks, smoke/stink bombs, laser pens, and/or similar contraband items
2S - Violation of Over-The-Counter medication (OTC) policy, to include but not be limited to:
       distributing, dispersing, or sharing of OTC, carrying or possessing OTC in a package other than
       the original manufacturer’s packaging, or ingesting or utilizing OTC in a way that is not
       specifically directed or authorized by the manufacturer, as directed on the original packaging.
2T - Theft or accessory to theft of property worth less than $750.00
2U - Profane, obscene, or provocative language or gestures
2V - Gang related disruption; may include materials, dress or hand signs
2W - Improper use of technology, violation of Wireless Communication (WCD) Policy
2X - Gambling

In-school conference with student, and contact with parent/guardian, zero on assignment (for
cheating or academic dishonesty), and one or more of the following disciplinary actions:

  • Conference with student
  • Conference with a parent
  • Assignment of reflective written work, work detail, and/or restitution (i.e.: property/damages)
  • Behavioral or student self-improvement agreement
  • Loss of privileges
  • Peer mediation
  • Daily or weekly report to parents
  • Referral to Guidance Counselor, School Nurse, School Psychologist, School Social Worker,
  • Behavior Specialist, School-based Intervention Team (S-BIT), Community Agency/Services or
  • similar resource (excluding Mobile Response Team)
  • Referral to Mobile Response Team
  • Detention
  • Bicycle privilege revoked
  • Parking privilege revoked
  • Referral to Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
  • In-school suspension (ISS). (The student will report to school at the stipulated time but will not
  • be able to follow the regular schedule or to attend extracurricular activities.)
  • Bus suspension (The student will not access school transportation, for any reason, during the
  • period of suspension. The student is required to attend school during the period of bus
  • suspension.)
  • Out-of-school suspension (OSS) (The student will not be permitted on any school board property
  • during the period of suspension)
  • Referral to law enforcement agency (investigation or arrest)
  • Recommendation for bus expulsion
  • Recommendation for expulsion
  • Alternative to suspension (ATS)
  • Threat assessment
  • Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavioral Intervention Plan
  • Confiscation of items or devices
  • Recommendation for alternative placement

• Mutual altercation that requires physical intervention or results in injury requiring medical attention   (3D, FIT)
• Simple battery – intentionally causing bodily harm (3E, PHA)
• Aggravated battery intentionally causing great bodily harm (3E, BAT)
• Using, possessing, selling, purchasing, or distributing alcohol, controlled substances, drugs, drug
  related items, or substance represented to be a drug (3F, ALC, DRU, DRD)
• Weapons possession (3G, WPO)
• Theft or accessory to theft of property without threat or violence, $750.00 or more (3H, STL)
• Sexual harassment (3I, SXH)
• Major disruption on campus; taking part in a riot (3K, DOC)
• Arson (3L, ARS)
• Bomb threats, false fire alarms, hoaxes, or threatening the use of a firearm (3M, DOC)
• Extortion or robbery including force, threat of violence or putting the victim in fear (3N, ROB)
• Intimidating school staff or students or threatening them with violence, or sexual assault (3O,
• Bullying, harassment, or hazing of staff or students (3P, BUL, HAR, HAZ)
• Violations of other criminal laws (3R, OMC, HOM, KID, SXB, BKR, TRS)
• Habitual or serious breach of bus rules (3S)
• Possessing or using tobacco products or look-alikes (3T, TBC)
• Willfully defacing and/or destroying school or personal property resulting in damage of $1,000 or
  more (3U, VAN)
• Sexual contact, including intercourse, without force or threat of force. Subjecting an individual to
  lewd sexual gestures, sexual activity, or exposing private body parts in a lewd manner. Must
  involve law enforcement (3V, SXO)
• Dangerous objects: razor blades, box cutters, common pocket knives, air soft guns, live
  ammunition/bullets, imitation/look-alike weapons, and any other object capable of causing
  significant bodily injury when utilized as a weapon, along with or similar items (3W)
• Refusing, preventing, or otherwise attempting to prevent search of their person, possessions,
  vehicle or similar search requests (3X)
• Possessing look-alike drugs (3Y)

In-school conference with student, and contact with parent/guardian, and one or more of the
following disciplinary actions:

• Conference with student
• Conference with a parent 
• Assignment of reflective written work, work detail, and/or restitution (i.e.: property/damages)
• Behavioral or student self-improvement agreement
• Loss of privileges
• Peer mediation
• Daily or weekly report to parents
• Referral to Guidance Counselor, School Nurse, School Psychologist, School Social Worker,
  Behavior Specialist, School-based Intervention Team (S-BIT), Community Agency/Services or
  similar resource (excluding the Mobile Response Team)
• Referral to Mobile Response Team
• Detention
• Bicycle privilege revoked
• Parking privilege revoked
• Referral to Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
• In-school suspension (ISS). (The student will report to school at the stipulated time but will not
  be able to follow the regular schedule or to attend extracurricular activities.)
• Bus suspension (The student will not access school transportation for any reason, during the
  period of suspension. The student is required to attend school during the period of bus
• Out-of-school suspension (OSS) (The student will not be permitted on any school board property
  during the period of suspension)
• Referral to law enforcement agency (investigation or arrest)
• Recommendation for bus expulsion
• Recommendation for expulsion
• Alternative to suspension (ATS)
• Change of placement (ESE only, 45-day rule)
• Threat assessment
• Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavioral Intervention Plan
• Confiscation of items or devices
• Recommendation for alternative placement

  • Prior to implementing any disciplinary consequences for students with disabilities, School Administrators will review and consider the student's disability, interventions and support. These considerations and interventions must be documented.
  • Any action taken in response to a violation of the student code of conduct or school board policies, that involves a student with a disability, must be in accordance with Title II of the ADA (including the requirement to provide reasonable modifications as to the application of the student code of conduct to avoid potential discrimination on the basis of disability), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as applicable.
  • Prior to referring a Student with a Disability to law enforcement, provided there is not a significant risk of serious harm to the health or safety of a person,
    • determine whether the student has a BIP
    • whether school personnel is properly implementing the BIP
    • whether the BIP contains adequate services and supports for the problem behavior
    • whether the student needs additional accommodations, services, supports, modifications, and/or aids.
    • In exigent circumstances involving threats to health or safety, or for criminal matters, School Administrators and staff may conduct this review after the referral is made.

Welcome to 24-25!

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. The mission of Pasco County Schools is to provide a world-class education for all students. By working together, parents and the school community can reach this goal and prepare students for success in college, career, and life. The Student Code of Conduct (SCOC) outlines the expectations for all student behavior.

Contact Us!