Pasco Schools to Provide Free Meals During the Summer

This post was created on 05/23/2023.

Pasco County Schools’ Summer Food Service program will begin on June 5 and continue until July 28. Breakfasts and lunches will be provided Monday through Thursday to anyone 18 and younger at the following school locations.

West Pasco

Anclote Elementary

Anclote High

Chasco Elementary

Cotee River Elementary

Dayspring Academy (Harmony Location)

West Pasco Education Academy

Fivay High

Fox Hollow Elementary

Gulf Highlands Elementary

Gulf Side Elementary

Gulf Middle

Hudson Primary Academy

Mitty P. Lock Elementary

Moon Lake Elementary

Richey Elementary

Schrader Elementary

Sunray Elementary

Wendell Krinn Technical High

West Pasco Education Academy

Central Pasco

Crews Lake Middle

Dr. Mary Giella Elementary

Shady Hills Elementary

East Pasco

Centennial Elementary

East Pasco Education Academy

New River Elementary

Pasco High

Pasco Middle

Quail Hollow Elementary

R.B. Cox Elementary

R. B. Stewart Middle

San Antonio Elementary

Woodland Elementary

Zephyrhills High


Students attending PLACE or Extended School Year programs at these schools will receive their meals on campus while attending the program.

Additionally, buses will be at the following locations on Monday through Thursday to provide lunch:

  • Hilltop Landings Apartments (37611 Colina Drive, Dade City)
  • Resurrection House Park (37124 Lock Street, Dade City)
  • Trilby United Methodist Church (37504 Trilby Road, Dade City)
  • Zephyrhills YMCA (37301 Chapel Hill Loop, Zephyrhills)
  • Zephry Park (38116 5th Avenue, Zephyrhills)

Anyone with questions can email tyoung@pasco.k12.fl.us.

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