Pasco Middle School After-School Program Expands

This post was created on 06/24/2019.

Pasco County Schools is adding two Beyond the Bell fee-based after-school enrichment programs starting in the 2019-2020 school year, at John Long and Weightman middle schools.

Beyond the Bell offers middle school students academic enrichment, skill building, and positive youth development.  Activities include sports skills and drills, scholar’s club, project-based learning, techno time, and enrichment programs that include special guests on a variety of topics, and Friday frolics, which include field day, movie time, video game tournaments, and other just-for-fun activities.

Beyond the Bell currently is offered at Charles S. Rushe and River Ridge middle schools. Registration begins July 2.  To learn more about Beyond the Bell, visit www.myasep.com/btb or contact the Office for After School Enrichment Programs at (813) 794-2298.

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