Course Catalog

Geometry (#1206310)

9, 10, 11
GPA Weighting:
SUS Admissions:
Bright Futures:
Graduation Requirements:



B.E.S.T. End of Course Exam

Placement Consideration:

Algebra 1

Next Course in Progression:
Algebra 2, Math for Data and Financial Literacy, Math for College Liberal Arts, Math for College Algebra, Math for College Statistics
Other Information:
Approved Resources:

Big Ideas – Cengage A|G|A 

Course Description:

In Geometry, instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) proving and applying relationships and theorems involving two-dimensional figures using Euclidean geometry and coordinate geometry; (2) establishing congruence and similarity using criteria from Euclidean geometry and using rigid transformations; (3) extending knowledge of geometric measurement to two-dimensional figures and three-dimensional figures; (4) creating and applying equations of circles in the coordinate plane and (5)developing an understanding of right triangle trigonometry.

All clarifications stated, whether general or specific to Geometry, are expectations for instruction of that benchmark.

Curricular content for all subjects must integrate critical-thinking, problem-solving, and workforce-literacy skills; communication, reading, and writing skills; mathematics skills; collaboration skills; contextual and applied-learning skills; technology-literacy skills; information and media-literacy skills; and civic-engagement skills.

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