Principal Induction Year 1

Target Audience 

The Principal Induction Year 1 Program is designed for first year principals. During the first year, leaders attend four of these workshops covering both technical and adaptive leadership skills which are aligned to the Florida Education Leadership Standards.   

Balancing Culture & Systems Impact and Planning Your Allocations  

In this session, new school principals explore the delicate balance between nurturing a positive school culture and implementing effective systems and resource allocations. Participants delve into strategies for aligning organizational culture with systemic structures to maximize student success and staff engagement. Through case studies and interactive discussions, principals learn to navigate the intersection of culture and systems, fostering a cohesive environment that supports academic achievement and operational efficiency.  

Human Resources and Educator Quality Department: Recruitment & Retainment of Teachers & Effective Communication with Stakeholders  

This session focuses on the critical role of human resources in recruiting and retaining high-quality educators. New principals explore best practices for attracting top talent, conducting effective interviews, and implementing retention strategies to cultivate a stable and talented teaching staff. Through role-playing exercises and collaborative brainstorming, participants develop actionable plans to address recruitment challenges and enhance educator satisfaction and retention rates within their schools.  

Effective communication is essential for building strong relationships and fostering a supportive school community. In this session, new principals learn strategies for engaging with diverse stakeholders, including parents, students, staff, and community members. Participants explore methods for clear and transparent communication, leveraging various channels and platforms to disseminate information and solicit feedback. Through case studies and interactive workshops, principals hone their communication skills and develop strategies to cultivate trust and collaboration among stakeholders.  

Purchasing Department, Finance & Budgets Deeper Dive into Data & Reviewing Expectations  

This session provides new principals with a deeper understanding of financial management, budgeting processes, and data-driven decision-making. Participants learn to analyze budgetary data, school allocation, return on investment, and make informed financial decisions that align with school priorities and student needs. Through hands-on activities and real-world scenarios, principals gain practical insights into managing resources effectively, optimizing budget allocations, and maximizing the impact of financial investments on student learning outcomes.  

Revisiting School Culture Leveraging School Leadership Team for School Success Plan Planning  

In this session, new principals revisit the foundational elements of school culture and explore strategies for cultivating a positive and inclusive learning environment. Participants examine the role of the school leadership team in shaping and sustaining a shared vision, values, and norms that promote student achievement and staff well-being. Through collaborative planning exercises and reflective discussions, principals develop strategies to leverage the expertise and commitment of their leadership team to drive the school success plan, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence. Participants are engaged in research and best practice experiences which will help them lead their schools into the following year ready for success.  



Course Recommended Prerequisites

  • New Principals entering their first year as a school principal 

  • New Principals to Pasco County from outside of Pasco County 

Contact Information 

Allison Hoskins

Principal Coach 

Contact Us!